Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 9 - 29 day Organization Challenge

So this pin that I found I have been working on all month!  I have seen The Organizational Junkie website (  before, but the pin on pinterest drew my attention.  It showed a 29 day Organization Challenge.   I was motivated!  I dove in and checked it out.  In order to participate in the competition, you had to start a blog about it, so I did...secretly.  I didn't post about it b/c who likes to show everyone their dirty laundry, or otherwise known as clutter in my case.  The challenge finished yesterday, and I am proud to say that I did it!  I chose the garage, not really knowing what an undertaking it would be.  Despite some challenges along the way, it looks great!  So now being able to show the after pictures, I am feeling better about showing the before.  For those who know me, it really would not come as a surprise that my garage would be cluttered.  Have you seen my house? ;)  Well here's the link to the blog that I set up for the challenge. 
Mission Organization

If you read through the blog you will also notice that I took another idea from pinterest.  I saw an idea to mount a flashlight by the circuit box.  I took that and changed it to the pegboard by the door to the garage so I can make my way to the circuit box if needed without tripping over things in the dark along the way.  :) 

Feel free to follow the other blog as well.  I will be trying to get a new organization project each month (probably none as big as this one though).  You can follow along on my mission to be a more organized person! :)

1 comment:

  1. You will find more creative piece of organization challenge by International Speaker
